GoDaddy Will Strike Again During the Super Bowl

GoDaddy is an excellent company to watch as far as pushing the marketing envelope. They know how to get attention. The vote for the Super Bowl commercial to be used by GoDaddy is now taking place on their website, .

For those of you that are not familiar with GoDaddy…….

GoDaddy is a registrar of online domain names. The company’s founder, Bob Parsons, says that they may buy two slots during the Super Bowl this year. The ads will feature Danica Patrick and they will be done in true GoDaddy form….just touching borderline inappropriate. But if anyone can pull off ‘inappropriate’ in a good way, it is GoDaddy.

To view the commercials and vote in their contest, go to .

Other ad buys for the Super Bowl include:

1. Anheuser-Busch
2. Audi
3. Bridgestone
4. CareerBuilder
6. Coca-Cola
7. Denny’s
8. DreamWorks Animation /PepsiCo SoBe
9. E-Trade Financial
10. PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay
11. General Electric
12. H & R Block
13. Hyundai
14. Monster
15. NFL
16. Pedigree
17. PepsiCo Beverage
18. Teleflora
19. NBC Universal’s Universal Pictures

Let me know who you think had the best ad….

Setting Your Vision – Don’t be afraid to RECALCULATE!

We have all heard the saying…..You can achieve it if you can see it! What do you see in your future. Take some time to put together a ‘colorful’ image of your future. Vision boards are extremely popular and there is no time like the present to create one. Simply get some poster board and an old magazine. Cut out where you see yourself in the future. It is best to set some immediate goals along with some long term goals.

While doing this, think about how you are going to get to that point. If you set a vision that you truly want to achieve, then you tend to keep moving towards that goal. If you have no vision, you have no place to aim at in the future. It is hard to map out your route if you do not know where you want to go. Even the new GPS navigation systems can not provide you any help without knowing an end point. It is amazing how quick it will tell you how to get back on track if you get off. I think the lesson is that it is OK to get off track as long as you keep your end goal in mind, you will have the ability to make any necessary adjustments to get back on track. As the GPS would say ……..RECALCULATING!

Do you have text appeal???

More than 80% of Americans have a cell phone and over 1 billion text are sent per day, but companies are not yet taking advantage of this means to reach their customers. This is an excellent opportunity to take the lead in ‘text appeal.’ As a small business owner, you have the ability to allow your customers to opt in to receiving messages from your company.

Gaining permission to communicate with your patrons creates a positive marketing environment. Your customers want to know what sales you have, what new products you may have, and what new locations you may have. The business that engages their customers on a permission basis is the company that will grow even in a recession.

Are you a follower Seth Godin???

Seth Godin is the author of several bestsellers, including Permission Marketing. If you are not currently following what he has to say about the state of marketing today, may I suggest that you do so. Take a listen to this video as you have time. This is a video of a seminar he was giving at Google in July of 2007.

Got Relationships?

How many friends do you have?? Well, not literally, but on your MySpace, FaceBook, or your social networking site of choice……

I posted this a while back, but I thought that it was worth revisiting. Consumers are making more and more purchases from people or business that they feel they know. If you are going to remain profitable as a small business in this turbulent economic environment, it is imperative that you increase your presence on the social networking scene.

To put the success into dollars and cents, consider the fact that MySpace will bring in 180 million in advertising revenue.

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Are you comfortable pushing yourself outside of your fears? This is no easy task, but ‘stepping out’ will help you move yourself to the next level. This applies to all goals such as your fitness, your health, and your business endeavours. Following this advice is hard, but necessary if you are looking for personal growth. My suggestion would be to identify your fears and honestly determine where your comfort level is when looking at your personal growth.

Embrace new ideas and live adventurously!!

Is MySpace only for Kids??

The answer is a resounding NO. In an article written on Travis Katz, managing director-international operations, said the following:

“There’s this misperception in the market about MySpace being a youth site, a site for teens, but 85% of our audience in the U.S. is over 18, and 40% of all moms in U.S. are on MySpace.” He claims that MySpace reaches more people making $100,000-plus than other social-network competitors, such as Facebook and Yahoo 360.

So, if you have not began to look at MySpace as a tool to reach your audience, think again. Cartier is one of the most recent additions to the MySpace family.

Are you crafting a well thought out message??

Do not take for granted the importance of thinking about your messaging. How you say what you want to convey is important to your brand. People will judge you and your business based off of your image and your speech. Regardless of your political preference, really take a close look at the communication strategy of Barack Obama’s campaign. The strategy is consistent, targeted, specific, honest, and well crafted. If you have some time, google the text of Obama’s speeches. Go to .You will be amazed!!

What kind of day are you going to have today??

You have been blessed to see another day. Do not waste it!! Someone did not get the same blessing that you got this morning.

Make the most out of everyday! Treat each day like a clean slate. Do not allow your disappointments from yesterday to ruin your hope for today.

So, when you look back over the day, think about your accomplishments and the difference that you made in someones life today. If you look back over the last 24 hours and you see that you have accomplished nothing, make some adjustments. God is awesome and he will allow you to tweak your day as you see fit.

We all get the same 24 hours everyday. You just have to decide how you want to use those 24 hours. Remember, there are no do overs in life. You get one shot, so make the most of it!

Did you get the 3 AM text?????

The Obama aides have pulled off a masterful new media campaign thus far and it is only going to get better. Even if you are not an Obama supporter, the tactics used by the campaign are worth studying. Although the numbers were not released, there were probably millions waiting to get the coveted text about the VP designation. The beautiful caveat about this tactic is the number of individuals added to the Obama Campaign database. Now, the campaign has a direct link to its supporters anytime they would like to reach them.
Here are a few links to visit:
“Your cellphone is probably the one piece of technology that is with you all of the time,” said Joe Rospars, Obama’s new media director. Joe Rospar previously worked for Howard Dean on his 2004 presidential run. He is one of the founders of Blue State Digital (an Internet Strategy and Communications company). If you visit the Blue State Digital page, you will see an excellent case study on the Barack Obama campagin.