Did you get the 3 AM text?????

The Obama aides have pulled off a masterful new media campaign thus far and it is only going to get better. Even if you are not an Obama supporter, the tactics used by the campaign are worth studying. Although the numbers were not released, there were probably millions waiting to get the coveted text about the VP designation. The beautiful caveat about this tactic is the number of individuals added to the Obama Campaign database. Now, the campaign has a direct link to its supporters anytime they would like to reach them.
Here are a few links to visit:
“Your cellphone is probably the one piece of technology that is with you all of the time,” said Joe Rospars, Obama’s new media director. Joe Rospar previously worked for Howard Dean on his 2004 presidential run. He is one of the founders of Blue State Digital (an Internet Strategy and Communications company). If you visit the Blue State Digital page, you will see an excellent case study on the Barack Obama campagin.