Are you adding any VALUE???

In these tough economic times, as a marketer you really have to ask yourself what value are you adding to your clients. According to, 53% of marketers are cutting back on their advertising budget. These cutbacks are happening across the board in all industries. So, being that most of us are dealing with cash strapped customers….. where are you adding value to your clients.

When you find that you are adding some sort of value to your clients, are you including that in your messaging? This form of messaging, called value messaging, is useful when there are times to be direct in what benefits you are actually providing your clients. Many times clients are too busy to realize that you have actually brought some real value to their experience.

Unwind Your Mind

RELAX!! Seriously, it could improve your quality of life if you simply RELAX.

I was listening to a speaker from Caring Days Adult Day Care here in Tuscaloosa, Alabama about taking care of our loved one’s as they age. This is a day care center for individuals with some form of memory disorder (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stroke, etc). She shared some very interesting statistics (that I can not remember exactly) about the number of people that will actually have some form of dementia by the age of 65. I believe that this number was 1 in 3. Individuals of African American descent are at a higher risk with developing risk for memory loss. We may call this “going crazy” or “loosing our mind,” but really it is the beginning of something that is treatable.

The guest speaker from Caring Days went on to mention that the caregiver(s) for this individual really takes on a lot of unhealthy stress. This individual does not get a moment to relax and unwind. Statistics show that more likely then not, the caregiver is going to be the one to die first. This is because of stress.

So, UNWIND YOUR MIND! It is never to early to destress. You can add quality years to your life. Here are a few tips:

  1. Develop a healthy attitude.
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Keep your mind active.
  4. Limit your alcohol consumption.
  5. Fully understand any medications that you take.
  6. Watch your diet and the portions that you eat.
  7. Find a doctor that you trust.
  8. Keep your soul healthy.
  9. Meditate.
  10. Enjoy your life!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you marketing to millennial’s?

If you are marketing to the groupd of individuals that have been tagged as millennial’s, then this information is for you. Peter Feld, writer for Advertising Age, wrote an excellent article discussing the brilliance behind the branding machine known as the Barak Obama campagin. This campagin has done what many have tried to do with little success and that is get young people energized and out to the pools. Reguardless of your political preference, this article is definately worth a serious read.

The Family Reunion

Honoring Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes

Recently, the African American community lost two of our greatest entertainers.  I am sure you have seen the stories by now, but I would like for you to take a moment to reflect on your own life.  These two individuals were living the life that they wanted to live.  Weather it was making us laugh until we cried or giving us music that we would never forget.  Do not waste another moment doing something that you do not want to do with your life.  Step out on faith!

The Date of the Birmingham Seminar is Set

Big Business Marketing for a Small Business Budget will be the first in a series of seminars set up to take your marketing efforts to the next level. Please visit the attached link to sign up for the seminar. You do not want to be left out of this one!

Early Bird Pricing Now Available!

Don’t Be Afraid to Dream Big

What is keeping you from really getting what you want out of life? Are you dreaming big and if so ………are you acting on your dreams? Most people have a vision for themselves that they are not pursing. Or if they are pursuing it, they are not giving it all that they have in their soul. Many of us make so many excuses of why we are not moving our lives in the direction that we dream of being in.
The difference in the people that are successful and the people that are not successful is the fact that the successful person had a dream and dared to act on it.

Be different! Be a trendsetter! Dream big and pursue it with everything that you have in you.

Mind Clutter

Sometimes it is necessary to silence your mind. In the busy lives that we all lead, it is hard to take a much needed break. You would be amazed at how rejuvenated you feel after you have been able to start with a clean slate. Take time to pray, meditate, or to just sit and do nothing. The benefits could be life changing!!

The Power of Positive Thinking

Are you a negative thinker or are you surrounded by people that think negatively? If so, it may be in your best interest to change your thoughts and to remove that negative energy from your day to day life. Negativity can be a cancer if you let it. Many that are successful say that a positive mindset can make all of the difference in ones’ success or failure. If you do not believe in yourself, then why should anyone else believe in you.

Joel Osteen gave an excellent sermon on Monday, May 11th 2008 on ‘Freedom from Wrong Mindset.’ In the sermon he uses the analogy of a computer getting infected with a virus and the fact that the virus can easily spread, slowing down your entire computer system. Negativity is a virus that spreads quicker then the flu. He also talks about hitting the delete button on the negative thoughts of the past and moving positively into the future. If you have time to visit his website, it is well worth your time (

Many of us may have negative thoughts in our heads about why we are where we are at this moment in our lives. Your thoughts may center around your race, your age, your gender, where you were born, etc. Now is the time to accept who you are and to stop making excuses. As Joel stated in his sermon, everyone was made in the image of God and we all have a particular purpose to fulfill while we are here on this Earth.

Follow your passion!! Do not let excuses stop you from following the path that you choose to follow. Sometimes, it is necessary to make your own path. As Hip Hop Mogul Jay Z stated, “I came to a fork in the road and I went straight.” People will always have something negative to say when you are trying to fulfill your dreams. That can no longer get in your way. It is time to shake the haters off and start living the life that you want to design for yourself and your family. When you come to that inevitable fork in the road, do not be afraid to take the road that has not yet been traveled. You never know where you may end up.

You only get one shot ……………………….

Sampling: Marketing to the Masses

Economic times are very difficult and consumers are not willing to spend their discretionary income on something that they are not sure they will like. The same goes for businesses working with new businesses. They just are not willing to step out on a limb and try something new.

The answer to this problem is not rocket science. It is actually very simple. To the marketer it would be called “sampling”, but to the consumer it is considered “free stuff.” We all know that it is fair to say that just about everyone loves to get something for free. Companies such as ChickFilet, Starbucks, and Dunkin’ Doughnuts are trying their hands at sampling to gain new customers.

Keep in mind, you do not have to be a large company to provide a sample of your work. If you are a caterer, create a sample tray and take it around to local businesses. If you are a consultant, offer a free seminar and pass out fliers for people to attend. If you are a hairstylist, offer free consultations and pictures of your work.

The key with sampling is to still provide your brands message, to make a positive impression, and to monitor each efforts success or failures. As a small business owner, you can set a goal to sample so many people per week. Remember, it is a numbers game. The more you feed in to your funnel, the more success you will have coming out of your efforts. You must constantly feed the pipeline.

Happy Sampling!!