Entries by Nicole I. Henderson, MBA

Have you included Social Media into your Marketing Mix?

Social media is a facet that many in business may ignore. Some see social media as a vehicle for teenagers to communicate. This is not the case. Social media sites are an excellent place to catch people online in an environment that they are not trying to tune out constant advertisement. Depending on the type […]

Seminar Coming ……

Watch for more information! Seminar titled “Big Business Marketing for the Small Business Owner.”

Mind Clutter

Sometimes it is necessary to silence your mind. In the busy lives that we all lead, it is hard to take a much needed break. You would be amazed at how rejuvenated you feel after you have been able to start with a clean slate. Take time to pray, meditate, or to just sit and […]

The Power of Positive Thinking

Are you a negative thinker or are you surrounded by people that think negatively? If so, it may be in your best interest to change your thoughts and to remove that negative energy from your day to day life. Negativity can be a cancer if you let it. Many that are successful say that a […]

Sampling: Marketing to the Masses

Economic times are very difficult and consumers are not willing to spend their discretionary income on something that they are not sure they will like. The same goes for businesses working with new businesses. They just are not willing to step out on a limb and try something new. The answer to this problem is […]

Did you get Elfed?????

According to Advertising Age, they are the ‘Little Elves That Could.’ If you were not one of the 26.4 million visitors to the Office Max Season Site, you really missed out on something very hilarious. The OfficeMax Elf Yourself campaign left the Whopper Freakout campaign in the dust. Here are the stats…. 123 million elves […]

Have you crafted your Elevator Speech?

If you are a small business owner, chances are you run in to people everyday that have never heard of your business, do not know who you are, and frankly do not care. This is where your elevator speech comes in to the picture. An elevator speech was coined from the idea of ‘you only […]

Take Control of Your Own Happiness

We all know that we are not guaranteed another day on this Earth. But, the real question is……are we living that way? With the coming of a new year, we all make new years resolutions to do better in some way. Some of us want to loose weight; some of us want to be in […]

If you had 24 hours to live …….

Can you imagine getting the news that you only had 24 hours to live??? What would you do, who would you tell ‘I LOVE YOU’ to and what would you eat?? Typically life is not kind enough to give us any type of warning as to when our time is up here on this Earth. […]

Life Questions ……….

Let me ask you a question…..Would you live your life differently if you knew that there was no such thing as Heaven and Hell? Would you live your life differently if you knew that the idea of God was the figment of someones imagination in order to keep society in line? Church and religion have […]