
Blogging and Vlogging – Just Do It!


As I speak with potential clients from around the world, it is amazing how similar we all are in the desires that we have to grow our businesses. One of the biggest challenges we see our entrepreneurs struggle with is deciding on the content that is appropriate for them to share. Generally speaking, there is always great content around you as it relates to your business. You simply have to bring that in to a format that others can consume as well.

Easy for us to say, right? We eat, breathe, and sleep content.

I think that you can acquire this skill in some part too. Create an avatar that is the ideal client for your business. Define everything that you can….age, life style, income, likes and dislikes. And then speak directly to this avatar. Think about how you bring this person value. How what your share could help them get past a pain point in their business or personal endeavors.

Then, start blogging and vlogging. Yes, blogging and vlogging. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be consistent.

Here are some interesting stats:

  1. 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.
  2. The average word count of top-ranking content (in Google) is between 1,140-1,285 words.
  3. Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to achieve a positive ROI on their efforts.

We are living in an era where your customers want to see you. They do not want to see your logo or your pushy, salesy content all of the time. You have to earn the right to sell to your customers in today’s marketplace. Blogging and vlogging will help in so many ways. Not only does it help you to keep current information out in the universe, but it also allows you to get seen as an expert by media.  If you continue to prove that you know what you are talking about, then you will start to see the fruits of your labor.

It is a marathon not a sprint! Start today and take a look at the results that come in month over month.




We are days away from launching The Mompreneur Lifestyle on SelsiTV

Are you ready to go on a journey with us through what it takes to be a mompreneur? We hope that you will watch our episodes, make comments, and ask questions that you would like to see us discuss.  We are not promising to have perfect video editing and sound effects, but we can assure you that we will have AWESOME content that any mompreneur can use immediately.

Stay tuned for additional sponsorship information and information for how you can be a guest on the show. Here is a preview of the intro:

Mompreneurship: Raw & Uncut

Please go ahead and subscribe to our channel in YouTube.  You can get right to it by clicking here.

Nonprofits can Benefit Greatly from Social Media

Social media is an inexpensive way that nonprofits can grow in reaching their mission.  As a strong supporter of many local nonprofits, we at Selsi Enterprises realize how limited resources can be when trying to balance all that needs to be done to keep the nonprofit afloat. Allow us to make a few suggestions as to why a nonprofit that uses social media can not lose:

1. Keep your volunteer engaged –  Social media is a way to show the success of those that volunteer with your organization.  It is also a great way to schedule and plan activities with those on your volunteer roster. This is also one of the greatest ways to get feedback from those that volunteer with your organization.

2. Tell your story – Platforms like YouTube will quickly allow you to showcase the efforts of your organization.  Many in your local community will not realize of your hard work unless you let them know.  Telling your story is the best way to keep donations coming in all year long.

3. Fundraising campaigns – What better way to allow people to donate to your organization than in an online format.  Your audience can watch the total rise, encourage others to donate, and share their reason for donating.  Social media should one tool that you use in your fundraising campaign.

Building a successful social media campaign is not just watching your ‘likes’ on Facebook rise, but engaging your audience by using a variety of tools.  Social media is one, inexpensive tool that should not be ignored by nonprofits.